MapReduce Application Master API’s.

class yarn_api_client.application_master.ApplicationMaster(address=None, port=8088, timeout=30)

The MapReduce Application Master REST API’s allow the user to get status on the running MapReduce application master. Currently this is the equivalent to a running MapReduce job. The information includes the jobs the app master is running and all the job particulars like tasks, counters, configuration, attempts, etc.


The MapReduce application master information resource provides overall information about that mapreduce application master. This includes application id, time it was started, user, name, etc.

job(application_id, job_id)

A job resource contains information about a particular job that was started by this application master. Certain fields are only accessible if user has permissions - depends on acl settings.


With the job attempts API, you can obtain a collection of resources that represent the job attempts.

job_conf(application_id, job_id)

A job configuration resource contains information about the job configuration for this job.

job_counters(application_id, job_id)

With the job counters API, you can object a collection of resources that represent all the counters for that job.

job_task(application_id, job_id, task_id)

A Task resource contains information about a particular task within a job.

job_tasks(application_id, job_id)

With the tasks API, you can obtain a collection of resources that represent all the tasks for a job.


The jobs resource provides a list of the jobs running on this application master.

task_attempt(application_id, job_id, task_id, attempt_id)

A Task Attempt resource contains information about a particular task attempt within a job.

task_attempt_counters(application_id, job_id, task_id, attempt_id)

With the task attempt counters API, you can object a collection of resources that represent al the counters for that task attempt.

task_attempts(application_id, job_id, task_id)

With the task attempts API, you can obtain a collection of resources that represent a task attempt within a job.

task_counters(application_id, job_id, task_id)

With the task counters API, you can object a collection of resources that represent all the counters for that task.